Pyriformis Syndrome, Natural Cure Doctor, Costa Mesa, Orange County, California, Dr. Robert Janda, Chiropractor, Natural Healing, Traditional Naturopath, Naturopathic Healing.
There are a number of places in the body where nerves pass right through the body of a muscle or pass under a muscle at an angle. These places are common locations for nerve compressions. One of the worst is the passing of the sciatic nerve under or through the pyriformis muscle in the rear end. Most of the time the pyriformis and sciatic nerve function well together , but in some individuals the compression here becomes severe and the sciatic nerve becomes highly irritated. I have had individuals brought into my clinic in wheel chairs with this condition. Strangely, even though this is an obvious problem, some of these patients have seen many doctors and orthopedists. Doctors may make the assumption this is a lumbar disc problem. This is initially understandable because the symptoms are so similar. The problem is that none of the tests for disc problems come back positive. Applied Kinesiology can locate the problem in a few moments. This is treated best with Active Release Technique to free the nerve from its adhesion or compression . It usually responds in 1 to 5 visits and the patient experiences enormous relief.